Panoramic holiday gîte facing the lake. Probably one of the most spacious rooms facing Lake Annecy. A breath-taking view of the lake and mountains. A glass balcony for the most fabulous view from your bed as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Enjoy breakfast on the huge, sun-drenched balcony or in the evening admire the magnificent sunset over the lake and surrounding peaks. Daydream as you stare in awe at the Château de Menthon Saint Bernard in the distance. Relax in the Jacuzzi or indoor swimming pool in the wellness area overlooking the lake. Unwind on a giant hammock six metres above the ground, surrounded by century-old pine trees, or in the park overlooking the lake. In the evening, join the other guests in the ancient house lounge.

Welcome to O d'Annecy!

For an unforgettable stay.


Fietsgarage Ja
Lunchpakket Geen
Elektrische fiets oplader Geen
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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