Hôtel Vendôme

In Nice town centre, close to the Promenade du Paillon, the old town and the seaside, the Hôtel Vendôme is the perfect place to discover Nice and enjoy a spot of shopping.

SILVER label - Nice Hôtel Historique. Fully renovated and tucked away in a little haven of greenery, this old private mansion offers the highest quality modern comforts while retaining all of its traditional charm with its sweeping, finely wrought staircase, its stained-glass windows, and its 19th century listed living room.
The Hôtel Vendôme offers 56 air-conditioned, sound-proofed bedrooms, including 5 duplex rooms. The hotel includes a private car park that is fully secured at night.


Fietsgarage Ja
Lunchpakket Geen
Elektrische fiets oplader Geen
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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