Hôtel les Sapins Wellness & Gourmet

6762, route du Col de la Croix Fry 74230 Manigod
6762, route du Col de la Croix Fry 74230 Manigod

The Pessey-Veyrat family has been welcoming guets for 3 generations. Confortable bedrooms, family rooms, mini-suites or spa rooms. Wellness area with interior pool : counter current pool, submerged massage bench, cascade, outdoor sauna.

Whatever the season, you can be sure to find every comfort and a quality of meals that can be relied upon and you will discover the aromas of refined cooking with a Savoyard flavour. Dinner dances every Friday evening. Possibility of packages including the skipass, ski rental... English and German spoken.
The hotel restaurant Les Sapins is also committed to respecting the quality procedures, in connection with obtaining the Tourism Quality Mark.

Handicap accessibility:
The hotel has two rooms suitable for people in wheelchairs.
Access to the welness area and the outdoor sauna are accessible. However, there is no material to facilitate the launch, so the person must be either independent or accompanied.


Fietsgarage Ja
Lunchpakket Geen
Elektrische fiets oplader Geen
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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