Camping les Templiers

Quartier de la Bourgade 06450 Roquebillière
Quartier de la Bourgade 06450 Roquebillière

Ideally located at the gateway to the Mercantour National Park and the Vallée des Merveilles, Camping les Templiers welcomes you to a pleasant, peaceful setting on the banks of the Vésubie river.

Ideally situated 50km from Nice, the campsite offers a range of accommodation, spread over 76 pitches from 80 to 120m2, along the Vésubie river.
The sunny and shady east-facing pitches can accommodate tents, motorhomes, vans and caravans, with or without electricity. For added comfort, we offer a range of rental accommodation, from the Mobilhome with TV and reversible air conditioning to the charming Coco Sweet and the original Camp'étoile.


Fietsgarage Ja
Lunchpakket Geen
Elektrische fiets oplader Geen
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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