Le Rupicapra

The Rupicapra is a guest house located in the heart of the Mercantour Park, in the Tinée valley, on the Grandes Alpes road.

Le Rupicapra offers 4 guest rooms with private bathrooms and breakfast included.
If you want to stay in the heart of a quiet perched village and recharge your batteries, then you're in the right place.
There are many activities in winter and summer. Skiing and snowshoeing in winter and hiking or via ferrata, climbing, canyoning, mountain biking in summer.
But also a motorbike stopover to discover the Bonette pass or the Cayolle pass, the Cians gorges and the magnificent Daluis gorges.


Garage à vélo Non
Panier repas Non
Recharge VAE Non
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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