Office de Tourisme Métropolitain Nice Côte d'Azur - Bureau d'Eze Village

Place du Général de Gaulle 06360 Èze
Place du Général de Gaulle 06360 Èze

On-sale : French Riviera Pass 24, 48 and 72 hours with or without transport option Nearby parking facilities : parking at Place Colette and Place Figuiera less than 200 m away.

Guided tours:
Visit Eze Village, its history, its monuments, its exotic garden.

Along the narrow streets and squares, the seigneurial house, the baroque church, discover the destiny of a village between France and the House of Savoy.
The life and traditions of a medieval town that has become a favourite of princes and writers over the years.
In the exotic garden in the ruins of the castle, learn about exotic plants, cacti, agaves, aloes... and their uses, at 429 m. above the Mediterranean.

Duration about 1h30. Price: 12€/person.


Garage à vélo Non
Panier repas Non
Recharge VAE Non
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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