Doussard Tourist Office

At the heart of the tourism area in Bout du lac d'Annecy, find all the practical information you need to organise your stay, activities and excursions. Ex: IGN maps and guides. Tickets for activities and excursions. Souvenir shop.

At the entrance of the marina, the beach and the nature reserve in Bout du lac d'Annecy, we welcome you all through the summer season to advise you on activities to practice from the Sources du lac d'Annecy to Chamonix, Geneva, etc.
The tourist office is also located at the start of the seasonal shuttles and at the crossroads of the regular bus line LIHSA 51.


Fietsgarage Geen
Lunchpakket Geen
Elektrische fiets oplader Geen
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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