Confiserie Florian Nice

14 quai Papacino 06000 Nice
14 quai Papacino 06000 Nice

Free guided tour of the kitchens where confectionery and chocolates are prepared.

The Confiserie Florian du Port de Nice opened in 1974. Its production shops make home-made chocolates and fruit and flower flavoured sweets, along with jams made with citrus fruits from the Nice region, candied fruit and crystallised flower petals, making this one of Nice’s leading attractions for people with a sweet tooth.

Free guided tour.
Free tasting.
You can also check out these top confectioner’s shops at the Pont-du-Loup.


Fietsgarage Geen
Lunchpakket Geen
Elektrische fiets oplader Geen
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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