Chartreuse de Mélan

The Chartreuse de Mélan is a place steeped in history, combining medieval sobriety and contemporary art. Discover its church, cloister and park of monumental contemporary art sculptures.

In the beautiful setting of the Giffre valley, the Chartreuse de Mélan is a place steeped in history, combining medieval sobriety and contemporary art. Exhibitions are held in the church, with its refined architecture and magnificent cloister. Around the building, with free access, contemporary sculptures bear witness to the multiple lives of the Carthusian monastery, once a female monastery, a religious college and then a departmental orphanage.
The Department's team of cultural mediators offers a wide range of guided tours and fun activities from April to October.

The contemporary sculpture park
Open to the public, the large park around the Chartreuse de Mélan is home to a dozen monumental works. Each artist has endeavored to bear witness to the strong and moving history of the site or its surroundings.


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