The petrifying fountain

The Petrifying Fountain is a magical and surprising place. Some see it as a monster's mouth; what about you?

Unique natural curiosity in the department. Formed by the deposits of mineralized water, it presents draperies of bright concretions.
The Petrifying Fountain is in constant evolution. Water and rock are key elements of the Guillestrois. Here, their mixture has created a very special site. Since the beginning of the 1980s, part of the head has broken off. But it is reconstituted little by little thanks to the contribution of tiny limestone particles. This fragile and disturbing waterfall is made of two parts: an aerial channel of water arrival ending with a spillway and a large basin in which are trapped insects, twigs and leaves in the limestone. The Petrifying Fountain is a geological particularity resulting from the fault of the Durance. The water of the Fountain comes from a thermo-mineral spring, around 22°, rich in gypsum and limestone. In contact with the air, the water loaded with carbonates forms concretions with strange contours evolving constantly over time ....


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