Villa Les Camélias

17 avenue Raymond Gramaglia 06320 Cap-d'Ail
17 avenue Raymond Gramaglia 06320 Cap-d'Ail

Les Camélias is a Belle Epoque villa that bears witness to the prestigious past of Cap d’Ail.

The ground floor is devoted to the town's unique history. Upstairs is an exceptional collection of paintings, drawings and enamels by the Basque painter Ramiro Arrue. In the intimate, shady garden, with its varying degrees of wildness, you can discover olive trees that are no longer very young, alongside hundred-year-old carob trees, mimosas, a young Ginko biloba, Judas trees, bougainvilleas, camellias and fragrant jasmines.


Garage à vélo Non
Panier repas Non
Recharge VAE Non
Dit etablissement biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers

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