Villa Grecque Kérylos

Impasse Gustave Eiffel 06310 Beaulieu-sur-Mer
Impasse Gustave Eiffel 06310 Beaulieu-sur-Mer

Inspired by an ancient Greek residence, the Villa Kérylos (1902-1908) is the realisation of a dream, that of Théodore Reinach, fascinated by Greek civilisation. In the enchanting site of the Baie des Fourmis, it is a real invitation to travel.

Built around an open-air courtyard, the Villa evokes the daily lives of the Greeks of the Hellenistic era, with all modern conveniences. Frescoes, furniture, mosaics were copied from the classics from vases and archaeological remains.

The Galerie des Antiques: life-size casts of the most famous Greek statues. Audio-guides.


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